Possible Trimet Service Changes to Marquam Hill

TriMet wants your feedback.

Take the survey and/or attend an Open House. Major service changes throughout the system are proposed, including eliminating express service bus lines to Marquam Hill. 

Lots of things have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including how and where people ride TriMet. As they restore their operator workforce, they anticipate growing bus service by more than 30% over current levels in the coming years. However, some lines, including the five express lines to Marquam Hill, could be cut. In their place, two lines would be rerouted to serve OHSU with all day service. 

The Draft Service Concept would bring bus service to 50,000 more people, weekend service to 100,000 more and increase frequent bus service to connect people and jobs. Overall, the frequent service bus network will be extended and service will be brought to new areas. Specific impacts to OHSU commuters could include:

  • Eliminate express bus lines to Marquam Hill (lines 61, 64, 65, 66, 68)

  • Reroute/expand lines 43 and 56 to serve Marquam Hill all day

  • Changes to the line 8 route

  • Added service to line 35

  • Eliminate line 36 and 99 to the South Waterfront

  • Reroute line 19 to serve the South Waterfront

The Forward Together Draft Service Concept is based on what they heard from the community in the spring of 2022: focusing on ridership and improving connections to destinations for people with low and limited incomes. The proposed service changes will be adjusted — potentially quite a bit — based on feedback from riders and the community over the coming weeks. Do not miss this opportunity to weigh in and let TriMet know how the proposed changes will affect you.  Attend an open house this month or visit trimet.org/forward to learn more and take the survey by October 31, 2022.


Open houses: October 2022

Tuesday, October 18
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
PCC Cascade, 5625 N. Albina Ave., Portland

Wednesday, October 19
4–6 p.m.
Rosewood Initiative, 14127 SE Stark St., Portland

Thursday, October 20
5–7 p.m.
Shute Park Library, 775 SE 10th Ave., Hillsboro

Saturday, October 22
1:30–3 p.m. (Spanish)
VIRTUAL Zoom Meeting
Join meeting

Wednesday, October 26
5–7 p.m.
CCC Harmony, 7738 SE Harmony Rd., Milwaukie

Thursday, October 27
5:30–7 p.m.
VIRTUAL Zoom Meeting
Join meeting